ART Dentistry All You Need To Know About Dental Implants | Page 8

Not only are regular checkup with a dentist important for your oral health in general but in particular, dentists would advise three monthly trips to check the state of dental implants. These check-ups with allow a dentist to make sure that the jaw bone is healing and knitting to the implants correctly, which in turn avoids loose teeth which may result in an inability to chew and even needing to have new implants fitted. Loose implants can have a big impact on the health of the jawline, not only in that they can be annoying and uncomfortable, but that they will be un-supportive to surrounding teeth. Of course, accidents happen, and just as with our natural teeth, a dental implant can be broken due to high facial impact, such as can be suffered in contact sports. Whilst it is always advisable to seek dental aid should you partake on any activity that has a higher than normal chance of causing trauma to the face, it is important to protect your implants from damage just as much as your regular teeth. A dentist can help with this by fitting you with a mouth guard which will alleviate some of the impacts. Not only does this help to prevent damage to the implants but it will also offer the best support and protection for your natural teeth as well. However, if the worst should happen, your dentist can replace a broken or damaged tooth without having to remove the implant itself. Having said that, if the implant is damaged beyond repair then the titanium rods are perfectly safe to leave inserted in the jaw without risk to the patient, should they prove too detrimental to remove. In these cases, a dentist will simply refit a patient with an implant, with the supportive rod inserted alongside the former.