ART Dentistry All You Need To Know About Dental Implants | Page 2
Tooth loss is a sad and scary reality, and for those left feeling bereft after experiencing tooth decay or
accidental tooth loss, it can have a high impact on their lives. Not only does tooth loss affect our
ability to speak and eat as well as we might like but it can also have a severe impact on our self-
confidence and personal appearance, for instance, the way we smile.
Depending on the type of tooth loss one has suffered, whether it be one tooth knocked out in an
overly feisty game of rugby, or several missing teeth from lifelong wear, the good news is you do not
have to suffer a gap in your smile. With the addition of a dental implant or two, a dentist can not only
fix your grin but will have you smiling from ear to ear.
A dental implant consists of a prosthetic tooth embedded into the jawline via a titanium metal rod or
screw. This is known as an abutment. This acts as a replacement for the natural root a tooth would
usually have. Embedded into the jawbone, this allows a dental implant to act more like a natural
tooth, offering better comfort than traditional dentures. Dental implants usually look exactly like a
natural tooth and have a less visible difference between them and your real teeth then a set of partial