Art Chowder September | October Issue No. 29 | Page 22

M.J.: You mentioned a tour of duty. In which branch of the military did you serve? Greg: I was in the Army and spent time in Germany from ’69 to ’71. I haven’t been back to Germany since then but while I was there a buddy and I took a tour of Berlin. East Berlin was still Soviet-held territory, and the Berlin wall was still standing. Things were so contentious there they’d even buoyed and mined the lake that ran through the city. Then there were memorials all along the wall: candles, flowers and what not, for all the people who attempted to go over or under the wall and were killed. Seeing that had a great impact on me. M.J.: What was it like for you watching the wall come down? Greg: It was amazing. Before that, all the borders of Europe were closed. There were border checks everywhere. When the wall came down and the communist party folded, the borders opened up, and now you can travel everywhere throughout Europe quickly. One of these days I’d like to visit Prague. They say it’s the new Paris. 22 ART CHOWDER MAGAZINE