Art Chowder September | October Issue No. 29 | Page 12
In college, I thought I’d go into Art History, but that was so, so boring. Props
to people who can study all of that; I couldn’t. So I switched it up to business finance
and went in that direction.
I tried to stay involved with art (sort of), but it wasn’t really part of my life for a
while. It wasn’t until after I started having my kids that I found I needed a hobby.
I’d been at the same job — one I thought I’d retire from — for 13 years and I hit
a point where I was done and I was like, oh I guess I’ll try this (art) again. So I
quit my job, got my business license the next day, and was like, “Well, this art has
to pay the bills now so this is what I’ve got to do.”
M.J.: Wow, so you jumped back in feet first!
Brandy: Yup. It’s the best way I work. Just jump into it. I need that extra
pressure. *LOL*.