Art Chowder September | October, Issue 17 | Page 22
Art Chowder: Why pen and ink?
Larry: Initially I worked
with pencil but it fell short of
achieving the look I was striving
for. I knew I wanted to draw
incorporating defined shades of
dark and light along with multiple
graphics. I didn’t settle on a style
or method that truly inspired me
until I was introduced to a form of
pen and ink drawing as done by
local artist, Ron Kurtz. Of all the
art I’d been exposed to, that was
the one that most attracted me. I
was captivated by his style, and
have since developed my own.
Art Chowder: How were you
introduced to Mr. Kurtz’ work?
Larry: We were visiting some
friends from church and they had
just acquired one of his drawings. It
was a picture of John Wayne and I
said, “Who did that? I can do that!”
And not really knowing for sure, I
began my journey of learning how
to draw with pen and ink. My first
drawing was of B-17 airplanes and
while in the middle of my second
drawing — a train going over a
trestle — I had an opportunity
to go visit Ron. My wife and I
drove to his home/studio and were
engrossed by the complexities and
beauty of his artwork. He’s got his
originals all over his house. So I
showed him what I was working
on and he was gracious enough
to critique my work. He said I
should continue “for sure!”, and I
could do no less after his words of
encouragement. Now I have my
drawings all over my house!
Art Chowder: Your profile on says that every one
of your drawings holds three
important items. Please tell us
about them.