“ If you refuse to accept anything but the best , you often get it .”
application and is ready to be inspected . Per the hallway sign ’ s suggestion , only the best products survive .
Next , the products are transferred to the bindery department . Depending on the specific needs of each unique publication , it ’ s likely they ’ ll undergo a series of operations such as folding , binding , trimming , gluing , drilling , glossing , sorting , stitching and finally : assembling . The bindery employees work hand in hand , and additionally hand-inmachine , to finalize the product so they can be mailed , and shipped to their destinations . “ Each department has its unique challenges and abilities ,” says Rogers , “ It takes the right , trained , skilled individuals in each area to make this all happen .”
The printing process is a delicate art . The artists , all 34 of Century Publishing ’ s employees , use this medium similarly to how a painter might use a canvas , a photographer a camera , or a potter their clay . It takes hand dexterity and an eye for detail . Patience , trust , persistence , and , as Rogers highlights , “ adaptability ,” are among the most important attributes to print publications . Additionally , it also takes a lot of care , being that Century Publishing plays an intimate role in the
Brent Weeks
“ If you refuse to accept anything but the best , you often get it .”