Art Chowder September | October 2023 Issue 47 | Page 11

called ‘ Marks of Time .’ It opens on September 1 , 2023 , but the reception will be from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Thursday , September 21 during what they call Thursday Night Live . My show will close on October 8 . Then I ’ ll probably send a few pieces to the Art Spirit Gallery for their small works show that runs from November through December . I ’ ll be in another show there in June as well .”
Beyond his busy schedule as an artist , Parker also holds down two jobs while raising two children with his wife of nine years , Kit . He admits that some of his processes evolved through attempting to work on his art while wrangling two energetic kids .
“ People are often surprised that I ’ m able to make art with my kids around , especially at this level of detail work . I can glue on or paint ten or a hundred circles and it ’ s not like a painting , where the medium could require prolonged attention . I discovered early on that I would and could be interrupted to the point of
“ When all is Quiet ” - Detail Mixed media ( India ink , acrylic , paper collage , pastel , pen & ink ) on gessoed birch panel | 40 ” x 30 ” | 2023
September | October 2023 11