Anacortes Bier on the Pier October 1st-2nd anacortes . org / bier-on-the-pier /
Edmonds Oktoberfest September 24th-25th edmondsoktoberfest . com
Fremont Oktoberfest September 20th-22nd fremontoktoberfest . com
Kirkland Oktoberfest September 24th-26th oktoberfestkirkland . com
Leavenworth Oktoberfest Markt October 1st-3rd , 8th-10th and 15th-17th leavenworthoktoberfest . com
Spokane Oktoberfest October 2nd germanamericansociety-spokane . org
Note : There are more Oktoberfest events happening in the Northwest , but at the time this article was written these are the ones who have announced their information for 2021 .
Sept | October 2021 65