From the
Robin Bishop
I often feel I keep myself restrained — not out of propriety , but fear ; fear that if I l free the restraints my creativity will take over . I ’ m a writer . It is a passion . I use this idea of losing restraint as a barrier to really letting myself get lost in the creative process . I ’ ve often said that if I open the floodgates of my writing passion , I may never surface again — all responsibilities be damned . So , here I sit cautiously writing this quick letter to you at the very last minute possible before issue 35 wraps up .
Am I just using this as an excuse ? Waking this morning with this deadline hanging over me , I decided to analyze why I had not yet gotten it done . Reviewing some favorite quotes , I found that the hold-up was not as simple as my typical floodgate excuse . It was anticipation . “ Art flourishes where there is a sense of adventure ,” by Alfred North Whitehead resonated . Reading this I realized it is the adventure that is staying my restraints , not fear . I was feeling the nerves before the race , if that makes sense , making me hesitate .
ISSUE No . 35
I experience a sense of anticipation when I think about the innovation and creativity going into growing Art Chowder with our incredible creative brain trust of contributors . I am not your typical adventurous type . I ’ m married to one — an adrenaline junkie who loves to push his body to the limits and feel the physical response of daring . My adventures are more creative , but I feel the same physical responses that my husband probably does as he is hurling down a black diamond ski run . My heart rate increases , I feel the endorphins kick in , and I get that tingling sensation in my hands and feet ( you know what I ’ m talking about )— that feeling you might get when you stand on the edge of a cliff before jumping into the water . Yes , that one .
Issue 34 was my first issue as the Editor of Art Chowder . To use the athlete analogy , I stepped in as the pinch hitter to get that issue across the goal line — oops , mixed metaphor ! Oh well , you get the idea . We made a few tweaks , learned a lot of lessons , and will continue to learn moving forward , but it was a rush ! I told someone this week I felt like I had been handed the reins to an incredible thoroughbred and then found myself trying to control a full team of draft horses . We have so much planned for you readers . Do you mind if I call you Chowderheads ? It is a term of endearment that I find myself using a lot . Please know it is my fond name for each person that engages with us on this incredible adventure . Feel free to comment your thoughts on our social media pages .
Without further ado , with tingly hands , and a feeling that I might lose myself to this incredible process , we give you issue 35 . On the cover is Ben Joyce , an incredible human and artist with a unique approach to love of place . Inside the covers you will learn about viticulture education in the Northwest ; engage with an accidental raku potter , Tim Murphy ; hear from poet , Jonathon Potter , on his new book ; meet the quirky food truck and art community that is the Hawthorne Asylum ; see beautiful artwork by Chantelle Flint , and so much more .
Thank you for joining us , please patronize our advertisers , because we wouldn ’ t be here without them , and check out the inside back cover for an opportunity to help us support the arts throughout the Northwest and to build community . There ’ s more to come , but only if we do it together . Until next time , enjoy .
“ As soon as I saw you , I knew an adventure was about to happen .” ~ Winnie the Pooh