Art Chowder September | October 2016, Issue 5 | Page 35
Janis V. Bers
M usica l Arts Cor res pondent
ntroducing ‘The MasterClass Big Band’ which, as the name suggests is a novel learning
concept for young upcoming instrumental and vocal artists who gain valuable insight and
confidence whilst ‘on the job’ to advance their skills and techniques as part of their journey to
become professional performers in their own right.
Also, it’s not all achieved behind the closed doors of a classroom. MasterClass very much
wants to be heard, and so offers its students a taste of the real world by taking the band on
the road to perform many uplifting live public concerts, dances and music festivals in and
around our region all throughout the year.
This innovative concept was initiated in 2008 when MasterClass Executive Director, Mark
Stephens realized that although Spokane offered many development opportunities for junior
orchestra and junior choir there was nothing for junior jazz on any performance level.
So Mark, a professional drummer and vocalist with MasterClass, teamed up with Paul
Plowman, the Music Director as well as a saxophone wind professional. The team also
included a wide selection of seasoned professional musicians acting as mentors to introduce
big band standards plus several modern arrangements into the music students’ curriculum.
MasterClass Big Band had become a working reality.
Offering a very wide and expanding repertoire of popular big band swing arrangements
by the likes of Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Stan Kenton, Count Basie along with more
modern melodies by The Brian Setzer Orchestra, Natalie Cole and Michael Buble amongst
many more. The MasterClass Big Band has a wide ranging appeal which is rapidly gaining
popularity and acclaim from its eager audiences and is constantly receiving new bookings for
their vibrant and festive live performances.
Today based upon the considerable local and regional success of MasterClass, Mark’s next
ambition is to expand and broaden the band’s horizons to include combination performances with the Spokane Junior Symphony and Spokane Youth Chorale in a similar way that
programs have been staged by the Boston Pops Orchestra, and then ultimately to replicate
and develop similar programs on a nationwide level.
It is well worth a visit to the band’s Facebook page at
where you can find out when and where their next live shows will be performed, along with many
photos of the student and mentor musicians, links to several YouTube videos, and plenty of
information about the band, their goals, objectives and opprtunities to support and
become involved with the MasterClass Big Band.
I’m Janis V Bers (pronounced ‘Yanni’), and despite the spelling of my
first name I am actually a guy! I’m
so thrilled to be a contributor to this
exciting and lively publication.
My main focus here is to spotlight
the plethora of outstanding musical
and vocal talent we are blessed by
within the Inland Northwest, with an
emphasis on community involved
music programs and opportunities.
I will be covering many styles and
genres from classical to jazz to
blues and even some rock & roll. I
will also review the venues they perform at including arenas, theaters,
clubs and even school classrooms.
Also, I hope to interview national
and international touring artists and
bands whenever they are appearing in our region.
I am originally from Great Britain
where the BBC employed me as
an announcer and senior radio and
television producer. I came to the
United States in 1990 to broaden
my horizons in the American broadcasting profession.
I am a very keen and passionate advocate of live local music. I firmly
believe we are richly rewarded with
exciting talent in our surrounding
area and I very much look forward
to bringing you many stories and
facts about our fine artists in the
coming months.
September|October 2016 35