Art Chowder September | October 2016, Issue 5 | Page 29

Irene Dahl Nancy Reid Isaak Worth Martin In the summer of 2016, you could find RRAFA artists showing in dozens of places around Spokane and the immediate area. Many RRAFA artists show in Spokane and Coeur d’Alene galleries. RRAFA artists have also won local, national and international competitions. This calendar year we have learned from two artists who have both graced the covers of this magazine. Our March speaker was Shana Smith, and Melissa Cole spoke in April. At our May meeting, acclaimed muralist Todd Benson took us through his career, and in June, it was Jesse Swanson, General Manager of Hatch, Owner-operator at Magicraftsman Printing and Editor at Terra Obscura. Last fall we heard from marketing guru Dean Cameron, Dean is also the publisher of Art Chowder. Tracy Dupuis Roland During his talk in May, Todd Benson mentioned his first show in Spokane. It was at the annual fall show put on by RRAFA, that year held at the Spokane Club. September|October 2016 29