Art Chowder September | October 2016, Issue 5 | Page 16

Stan Miller What are some of the most meaningful responses you have had to your work? I was recently told on Facebook, that my work in this viewer’s eyes would change the world. Of course that’s an exaggeration, but I like the idea. Someone else told me that my work had spirituality, peacefulness, quietness...I like hearing that. Is there anything I didn’t ask that you would like to share with our readers about yourself, your work or your process? The readers might like to know that I teach workshops in painting all over the world. I love teaching nearly as much as I love painting. I recently returned from Quindao, China where my work was exhibited with a number of artists from all over the world at the Quindao Museum of Art. We were also invited to demonstrate and lecture at the Quindao Newspaper Group lecture hall in Quindao. In 2014 I was invited to teach and exhibit in Hanoi, Vietnam (Military television interviewed me, asking me what I thought of Vietnam today) and in 2013 in Thailand. The love of the arts in these Asian countries is amazing. At a reception in Bangkok, Thailand, nearly a thousand people attended the opening, with two tv stations reporting. The average age of those coming to this watercolor painting exhibition was probably 25 or 30 years of age. I felt the 16 ART CHOWDER MAGAZINE same appreciation for the arts in Vietnam and China. As a professional artist in these countries, one is seen as a master of the arts, a celebrity, with everyone wanting to take your photo, get your autograph. Nearly unreal the way the artist is treated in Asia. France has been good to me as well. Two years ago while teaching a workshop south of Paris, two reporters drove down from Paris and spent two days photographing me and our workshop, publishing an article in the magazine “Pratique Des Arts”. I think I’m more known in France then in the U.S. Where can we see and find out more about your work? Everyone is invited to come to my home exhibition in early December here in Spokane. The attendance has dropped over the years so I’m hardly worried about too many people showing up. Also, as soon as I finish a painting I post it on Facebook. One is also welcome to call me for an appointment and come to my home to see my work. I’m not in any galleries. My website is for contact and exhibition information.