Art Chowder November | December, Issue 24 | Page 4
From the
Dean Cameron
The fun is just beginning!
I hear all the time “where did 2019 go?” While time does seem to fly by, don’t forget
the celebrations we get to look forward to in November and December. It’s party
The holiday season is full of ways to enjoy the rest of 2019 in style. Don’t let a little
frost keep you from appreciating the arts in our region. Our art galleries will be full
of chances to buy gifts that will last for generations. Live performances will create
memories that will be talked about well into 2020 and the food — oh the food! —
time to buy a couple more pairs of stretchy pants!
We continue to see exciting new opportunities in our region to enjoy the arts and
quality of life for which the Pacific Northwest has become known. Art Chowder
Magazine is now offered in retail stores from Bellingham, Washington to San
Francisco, California, with a growing distribution. We are proud to share our regional
talent with the wider West Coast audience. Look for some great new features in the
coming new year as well.
During the holidays our entire staff at Art Chowder Magazine wishes all of you a
happy holiday season filled with excitement and lasting memories. Let’s take the rest
of 2019 and make it great!
Thankfully yours,
Dean Cameron