Art Chowder November | December 2023 Issue 48 | Page 21

Another way Angela has broadened her horizons is by taking a few continuing education classes in writing fiction . Most of her training , though , “ has come from studying structure , other mysteries , and from writing itself , of course .”
Now , beyond her own writing , she is also a teacher and editor and offers coaching services to other writers . According to Sanders , “ A local college was looking for instructors in its continuing education department , and since I love to share what I know , I applied and was hired . Coaching came from my students asking for one-on-one critiques , inspiration , and brainstorming on their work .”
As if she weren ’ t busy enough , this amazing author still finds time to write . Her current series are “ The Witch Way Librarian ” and the “ Joanna Hayworth Vintage Clothing Mysteries ,” and one might wonder how she manages to keep all the details straight . Well , keep reading .
“ I work on only one series at a time , so it ’ s not as overwhelming as it seems . I also keep a loose series ‘ bible ’ for each series . However , if I get stuck on something , it helps to talk through my story with a friend who ’ s a good listener and brainstormer . That will usually get the wheels turning again in my mind . If a friend isn ’ t available , I take a pen and a large grid-lined notebook to a cafe . I find a venue change can help jumpstart my imagination .”
Not strictly a plotter or pantser ( writer speak for painstaking plot builder or flying by the seat of …), Sanders considers herself a healthy mix of both .
“ I think I am a blend like a lot of people , but for my publisher , Kensington , I must have a synopsis approved for the next book before I write it . I must have some idea of what the book is going to be about . So , I usually rough out a four-act structure , and I know like five or six main plot points . You know , sort of a classic structure . Then I brainstorm ideas in between , usually on index cards or I get with a friend . That ’ s always helpful if you ’ ve got a good brainstorming friend because then you have a real asset . And that ’ s when I come up with the shape of a story . So , usually , I ’ ll come up with like act one and it might have ten scenes planned out but really , it ’ s going to be more like fifteen . So , I ’ m doing the classic thing — like I know where my next small part
is going to be , but I need to write my way there and I don ’ t necessarily know what ’ s going to come in between .”
What Sanders does know , however , is what comes next in her book series .
“ I ’ m writing the sixth book in the ‘ Witch Way Librarian ’ mysteries . It ’ s called ‘ The Witch is Back ’ and releases at the end of 2024 . My next book , ‘ Gone With the Witch ’ ( number five in the series ) comes out at the end of February 2024 .”
Also she knows a thing or two about writing — when asked for her best piece of advice , Angela responded with this .
That ’ s always helpful if you ’ ve got a good brainstorming
friend because then you have a real asset .”
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