Artist bari federspiel :
Dian Zahner South American Bird watercolor 23 x 18 ”
Dian Zahner Fish in School watercolor 27 x 33 ”
I met Dian at an art workshop in 2004 . I had lost my first husband , and was dating Frank who is my husband now . I decided I needed to tiptoe into the watercolor world and had no experience whatsoever . I sat near this vibrant , happy lady with white hair and a huge smile who kept encouraging me throughout the class .
She invited Frank and me to her house on Friday evening to have dinner with the artist that was giving the workshop , and to do the First Friday Tour . I ’ d never even heard of it , but had such a good time with these new friends . At one point she said , “ I am the President of the Spokane Watercolor Society . You should join . Here ’ s the paperwork .” I said , “ What the heck . Sure .” I had just started painting and everything I ’ d done in this class had been super awful . Why would I try to join ? But I did and they let me in , which is nuts . Thank you , Dian .
I saw Dian a lot , and she asked me to be in a show with her . I even designed the postcards for it , with pictures of our paintings . It was the first show I had ever been in ; it was in the cafe next to Auntie ’ s where Uncle ’ s is now . I didn ’ t sell anything , and looking back at the paintings I showed , I know why . Dian and John came to our wedding , and shortly afterwards invited us to go kayaking with her and several of their friends . We had a wonderful day , ending with dinner at a restaurant by the lake . Dian then asked me if I ’ d like to be in the Studio Tour . I said sure .
That began many years of working with Dian in the Watercolor Society , in shows , and in the Studio Tour . She always made blueberry French toast for all the artists . Once again Dian approached me with another venture . She asked me to join the Avenue West Gallery , where she and several other artists had a coop . I looked over the papers , and said , “ Sure , why not ”?
Occasionally , I would get a call , text , email , or all three , asking me to come help her do something on her computer . There was only one time I couldn ’ t go , because I was out of town . She always said I ’ ll pay you . And I thought , I should be paying you for all the things that you ’ ve taught me over the years . No way are you going to pay me . I would eat a cookie so that was a good payment . Also , I got to spend time with her . She shared a lot of things with me , which I will hold in my heart as they were just for me . I will miss her terribly , especially the random phone calls asking for help with technical difficulties . It ’ s even hard to write this , as it makes it even more real that she is gone . These paragraphs are hopelessly inadequate in describing our friendship . I love you forever Dian . See you on the other side .
November | December 2017 43