Art Chowder November | December 2016, Issue 6 | Page 19
Roch was born into a creative tradition, coming
from a family of artistic minded people; his earliest memories include being shown the value of
a pencil by his grandfather, Leo Fautch, a cartoonist. His cousin shared her college art books with
him and after seeing his first Dali painting, Dream
caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate
a second before awakening, at the age four he said
it was like an alarm
went off and inspired a life committed
to the creative process.
His father was an engineer and taught him to visualize and design whatever he saw. Also how to
build it. While mostly self-taught, with an insatiable curiosity and the passion that drives him,
he has spent his entire life studying and working
hard to absorb everything in his path and apply
it creatively. With each new skill, from molding,
building, fiberglass and concrete construction, his
overall artistic potential has continued to grow.
Other than working as a fine artist, are
there any other lines of work have
you been involved in?
“Rock and roll stage lighting, electronics sales,
mold building, fiberglass production, concrete
construction, theme work, business owner, ad
graphics and photo retouching.”
Photographer: Grace June Imagery
November|December 2016 19