Art Chowder May | June, Issue 27 | Page 4

From the Publisher Dean Cameron Keep Going. I never took a course in “How to write a forward during a pandemic.” I have, however, learned a few things in business. We are all hurting, wounded and confused. What will happen next? How do we recover? What resources do we have to help? These are all valid questions, and most are met with “No one knows.” So where does that leave us? I recently heard a Winston Churchill quote that seems to fit, “When you are going through hell … keep going.” Keep making your art; keep performing your music and dance; keep cooking great food. The challenge is how can we evolve to do what we love in a different way? The same holds true with Art Chowder magazine. We are adding new ways to share the great work from all you talented people and the businesses that are supporting you. We have added a feature to our digital magazine that links a video to the ad in the magazine. This allows for a complete message to the reader and not just a static ad. Video options can now be traditional video, or our new format “360 degree video tours.” This tool can create a virtual tour through a studio or gallery that is able to be shared with an extended audience. We have upgraded our digital publishing tools to include CRM (customer relationship management) from our magazine back room, allowing us to promote the magazine to a much wider audience. We are also reaching out with attractive new location displays for our retail sales customers. We will keep looking at ways to innovate. My second favorite Winston Churchill quote is, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” We are blessed to live in a very creative community. Let’s rise above these problems and be leaders in the creative ways to overcome and even thrive! Stay home, stay safe and wash your hands! Dean 4 ART CHOWDER MAGAZINE