Art Chowder: You are obviously very
determined and tenacious. Is that how you
think of yourself?
Linda: Yeah, I guess so. I had an artist
friend say that I grab hold of stuff. If it’s
something I want then I just go for it.
Art Chowder: Good. Is there some place
you’ve yet to visit that you want to? A bucket
list destination?
Linda : Baffin Island, Greenland,
Art Chowder: Was there a reason you settled
in Washington State, other than having gone
to school at EWU?
Linda: Once I met Jim and we both
liked the Spokane area we decided to
stay. I grew up on the east coast, but I
really enjoy the Northwest. Spokane is a
beautiful place. The cost of living is lower
than other places and we could buy some
land, build a house in the country and still
be close enough to town.
Art Chowder: Well in Spokane you drive five
minutes and you can be out in nature.
Linda: Yeah *lol* What was that slogan?
“Near nature, near perfect? I think it
should be “Near nature. Perfect.”
Art Chowder: Agreed! You paint so many
different types of animals. Do you have a fa-
vorite subject, and is there an animal in your
life (a pet)?
Linda: Generally my favorite animal is the
one in my current painting. Setting that
aside, my favorite would be the leopard.
His strength, adaptability, beauty, and
feline nature are a tough match for any in
the animal kingdom.
I do have two animals, my cats Scratch
and Cinder. Scratch is an orange tabby
who showed up and adopted us five years
ago when he was three-quarters grown,
and Cinder, a female tortoiseshell, was a
kitten when we adopted her from Spok-
Animal last October.