While never considering himself a Master Painter , Melville Holmes , through his devotion and discipline to truly learning the craft mastered in bygone eras , even in the face of modern opposition , has become a maestro in his own right . The history , technology , chemistry , and scientific analysis of painting and building materials such as are mentioned in his pictorial telling of his journey , have paid off in Melville ’ s work . His original work is breathtaking and his masterful skill in the classical arts has been and remains , vital to the reproduction and repair of classical pieces for those wishing to preserve the past . Melville was integral in recreating and preserving the gorgeous classical works at the historic Davenport Hotel in downtown Spokane , Washington when it was originally restored . He is , once again , being called upon to continue this work in the hotel this summer .
Melville ’ s scholarly study and historian discipline to learning the methodologies of the Masters is deeply represented in his work . It is a breathtaking proximity to the bygone eras of masterful orthodoxy and stringency to the disciplines that are the foundation of all art today . His work ironically stands beautifully nonconformist in its “ not for our time ” rejection of the modernist practicum . That may be the best parallel of Melville ’ s work with those whose work he emulates . While being classically educated , the Masters were nonconformists in their day , as well . This is evident in the descriptions Melville has provided in his telling of what inspired his journey .
I invite you to visit Melville ’ s website to learn more about his work , www . melvilleholmes . com , or see his work at the historic Davenport Hotel , a part of the Davenport Hotel Collection .
Scan the QR Code to find out more .
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