42 artemisia gentileschi :
From Obscurity to Celebrity and Myth
By Melville Holmes
50 it’s a carnival and it’s a smash hit
By Janis V. Bers
56 1898 public house - dinner with a view
62 art chowder marketplace
66 advertiser directory
P ublisher A dvertising
C reative D irector
& E ditorial D esign
P hotography C redit
708 North Argonne Road #18
Spokane Valley
Washington 99214
By Chandler Baird
Dean Cameron
[email protected]
509-995-9958 Rebecca Lloyd
[email protected]
ISSUE No. 15 E ditor
& P roofreader
www.artchow d er. co m
Ann Contois
[email protected]
& S ales
Ginny Brennan
[email protected]
Creative Life Spokane
Reid Oakes
Dean Davis Photography
Johnathon Van Houd
Andrea Jensen Photography
Diane Higdem
C ontributing W riters :
Dean Cameron
Jocelyn Whitfield-Babcock
Marilee Hudon
Karen Mobley
Melville Holmes
Janis V. Bers
Ginny Brennan
Chandler Baird
C over A rtists :
Kyle Paliotto and Ginger Oakes
May | June 2018