Art Chowder March | April, Issue 26 | Page 8

A Magnificent Story That Comes Full Circle By M.J. Hudon AR TI S T AK I A N E K R A M ARI K Third of five children, and the only girl, Akiane Kramarik was born in rural Illinois. Her family, having fallen on hard times, lived in a run-down home near a nuclear power plant. There was no electricity or running water except that which leaked through the roof. With no access to radio or television, she and her siblings had to create their own entertainment, and as children with great imagination, they did just that. One of Akiane’s favorite things to do was draw and by the age of four, she was creating recognizable pictures. At the age of five she had a strange experience — a view of the universe, a spiritual exploration, a vision. Whatever you call it, it spurred her artistic endeavors to new heights. By six, her art was becoming known within her community and by the age of eight, she painted Prince of Peace, the portrait that launched her career. Since then she has met with world leaders, royalty, renowned scientists and media personalities from many nations. Some of the more recognizable names include Oprah Winfrey, Katie Couric, Peter Jennings, Glenn Beck, Montel Williams, and Craig Ferguson. Over the last 16 years, Akiane’s star has continued to rise but her life has not been easy. Unscrupulous business people, health issues within the family, and tenuous financial situations plagued the Kramarik clan for years. Yet despite this, or perhaps because of it, Akiane’s faith and talent continue to grow. 8 ART CHOWDER MAGAZINE