Art Chowder March | April, Issue 26 | Page 67

ADVERTISER DIRECTORY 66 S andy A ronson www . artbysandyaronson . com 66 A rtisans A t T he D ahmen B arn www . artisanbarn . org 64 65 68 63 63 25, 65 66 64 A rts of S nohomish G allery www . artsofsnohomish . com A venue W est G allery www . avenuewestgallery . org BECU www . becu . org G inny B rennan www . ginnybrennan . com B lackwell G allery www . blackwellgallerycda . com L add B jorneby www . beartrackart . com J essica L. B ryant www . jessicabryant . com D enny C arman www . densoils @ yahoo . com 50 C ontois R eynolds A rt G lass S tudio www . stainedglassmagic . com 25 C uster ’ s A rts and C rafts S how www . custershows . com 66 D e V ries www . devriesmoving . com 27 E arth D ay C elebration 509-928-9664 39 J anie E dwards 64 25 F irst F riday S pokane www . firstfridayspokane . org 30 F lootie www . flootie . com 43 F ortus R ealty - E mily D ishman www . fortusrealty . com 65 F rame I t www . frameitcda . weebly . com 66 G arden E xpo gardenexpo @ comcast . net 49 G arland S andwich S hoppe www . garlandsandwich . com 63, 65 G onzales C reative 509-598-1722 07 R ed F ox G inger S tudio www . redfoxgingerstudio . com 6 5 R iver R idge A ssociation of F ine A rt www . spokanerrafa . com 63 M arcella R ose www . marcellaroseart . com 64 C arol S chmauder www . carolschmauder . com 26, 66 S teven A. S croggins artist @ stevenascroggins . com 43 S pokane A rt S upply www . spokaneartsupply . com G reencastle S oap C ompany www . greencastlesoap . com 31 S pokane G allery phone : 509-747-0812 65 C heryl H alverson www . mountainplacearts . com 19 S pokane P otters ’ G uild www . spokanepottersguild . org 63 H appy T rails T o B rews 9025 N I ndian T rail R d . 65 S pokane S ymphony www . spokanesymphony . org 66 H ilson G allery & D esign www . hilsongallery . com 30 E.L. S tewart www . elstewart . com 07 H offman M usic www . hoffmanmusic . com 19 T he C lay C onnection 63 D ebbie H ughbanks debbie @ hughbanksart . com 63, 64 K eiko V on H olt keikossumie @ aol . com 64 U rban A rt C o - op www . urbanartcoop . com 64 V icki W est 43 W estwood G ardens www . westwoodgardensidaho . com 30 S am W hite www . samwhitegallery . com 07, 70 W illiam G rant G allery phone : 509-484-3535 39 J ordan S chnitzer M useum of A rt WSU museum . wsu . edu 65 R ebecca L loyd www . rebeccalloydart . com 63, 65, 66 M armot A rt S pace www . marmotartspace . com 19 S onja M etzler www . sonjametzler . com pryor 1964@ gmail . com N ora E gger www . noraegger . com 63 64 64 P eone C reek P ottery www . potteryplaceplus . com R ed B rick A rt S tudio www . redbrickartstudio . com clayconnectionspokane @ gmail . com westwatercolor @ gmail . com March | April 2020 67