Art Chowder March | April, Issue 26 | Page 32

A Grand Tour: By Melville Holmes and Kathryn Brogdon Images of Italy from the Permanent Collection of the Jundt Art Museum January 18 through May 9, 2020 ” Open my heart and you will see, Graved inside of it “Italy.” Robert Browning ” “De Gustibus —” 1855 The sentimental tourist’s sole quarrel with his Venice is that he has too many competitors there. He likes to be alone; to be original; to have (to himself, at least) the air of making discoveries. The Venice of to-day is a vast museum where the little wicket that admits you is perpetually turning and creaking, and you march through the institution with a herd of fellow-gazers. There is nothing left to discover or describe, and originality of attitude is completely impossible. The condition of this ancient sanctuary [St. Mark’s] is surely a great scandal. The pedlars and commissioners ply their trade … at the very door of the temple; they follow you across the threshold … scuffling with each other for customers. There is a great deal of dishonour about St. Mark’s altogether, and if Venice, as I say, has become a great bazaar, this exquisite edifice is now the biggest booth. ” Henry James Italian Hours, II, Venice 1882 Get more speed. Get more done. Mail advertisement for “Faster Internet” 2020 ” Spend less time getting there and more time being there. River cruise ship slogan