A Grand Tour:
By Melville Holmes and Kathryn Brogdon
Images of Italy from the Permanent Collection
of the Jundt Art Museum
January 18 through May 9, 2020
Open my heart and you will see,
Graved inside of it “Italy.”
Robert Browning
“De Gustibus —” 1855
The sentimental tourist’s sole quarrel with his Venice is that he has too many competitors
there. He likes to be alone; to be original; to have (to himself, at least) the air of making
discoveries. The Venice of to-day is a vast museum where the little wicket that admits you
is perpetually turning and creaking, and you march through the institution with a herd of
fellow-gazers. There is nothing left to discover or describe, and originality of attitude is
completely impossible.
The condition of this ancient sanctuary [St. Mark’s] is surely a great scandal. The pedlars
and commissioners ply their trade … at the very door of the temple; they follow you across
the threshold … scuffling with each other for customers. There is a great deal of dishonour
about St. Mark’s altogether, and if Venice, as I say, has become a great bazaar, this exquisite
edifice is now the biggest booth.
Henry James
Italian Hours, II, Venice 1882
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