Art Chowder July | August 2017, Issue 10 | Page 28

EMILY GWINN By Karen Mobley
Gwinn is a mother of two young girls and works as a teacher . Her insights are deft in her on-line project and print collection released from Sage Hill Press called All We Can Hold , centered on the themes of motherhood . ( www . allwecanhold . com )
Gwinn said , “ My good friend and writer , Benjamin Cartwright , and I recently completed a collaborative collection called Additional Lyrics . The process of writing with a friend was exhilarating . We used old American folk songs as inspiration , and we shared lines of poems via text over a series of months . I never knew when a word , line , or sentence would arrive to my phone , catching me off-guard . One of our poems from the collection (“# 7 ”) was published by White Stag , and our collection was a finalist in their most recent contest .”
Gwinn was a recipient of a Spokane Arts SAGA Grant for the publication of Uncensored , a collection of poetry from Spokane Poetry Slam . All proceeds go toward the Individual World Poetry Slam , coming to Spokane this October . Books are available , as well as information about the Individual World Poetry Slam at www . spokanepoetryslam . org . know it , your work is in a book that ’ s being published and two weeks ago you didn ’ t have any interest in submitting your writing to anything or anyone ... ever .”
Jennifer Knickerbocker , Grants Manager for Spokane Arts , commented , “ The impact of the SAGA funds will go very far , highlighting the talent that we have here . At Spokane Arts we know that this project and event will take place regardless of SAGA funding , but feel that with this investment , it will help a comparatively small artist community achieve wider community recognition and have a ripple effect . Not only will the Spokane literary scene benefit from the national exposure by hosting iWPS , but Spokane will gain attention as a destination city . Ninety-six of the nation ’ s top-performing , touring poets will fill our city streets with words , and bring dollars to spend at our local restaurants , bars , and businesses .”

Upcoming Events

ABANDONED 9 ” x 12 ”
Oil on canvas

Nora Egger noraegger . com | 509-991-0041

Uncensored includes poets Anastasia Aguon , Mark Anderson , Chris Cook , Devin Divine , Misty Ellingburg , Fitz , Lauren Gilmore , Zack Graham , Luke Grayson , Steve Heaps , Kimiko Hirota , Kristine Iredale , Teri Koski , Seth Marlin , Travis Naught , Davy Jones Nguyen , Jansen Niccals , Kurt Olson , Kristina Poffenroth , Tay Sanders , and Jack Siebel . Isaac Grambo said , “ Emily is a positive and friendly organizer … with her genuine interest in people , she is able to motivate writers and institutions to come together for the joy of collaboration--before you
July 19 : Collaborative performances with Benjamin Cartwright from Additional Lyrics including Poetry Rising at Barnes and Noble .
Sept . 22-24 : LiTFUSE Poets ’ Workshop , Tieton , WA .
Oct . 12-14 : Individual World Poetry Slam , Spokane , WA .