Art Chowder July | August 2017, Issue 10 | Page 15

STEPHEN SHORTRIDGE By Dean Cameron If you could trade a painting with any other artist who would that person be? Joaquin Sorolla. I chose Sorolla because he is currently, and has been for a while, my favorite artist. More known in Europe, he was a Spanish Sargent. What I like about Sorolla is how aggressive and expressive he was and still created amazing art in styles I like to emulate. They said “He painted like a pig eats.” I think it was a compliment when you see the passion in the work and the magnificent brushwork.  “The more honest we are about what we really think – about art or life – the more others can see where it is we are ‘bobbing’ in this lake. We all have our preferences, our curious refractions, and as expected, gravitate toward those who share them – lashing our dinghies together.” —The Finger-Painted Life You have a new book released called A Finger Painted Life. Without divulging too much so as to spoil the read, can you share a couple thoughts about your new book for our readers? The book is written as letters; letters from an older and tested artist encour- aging a younger artist. As I wrote these letters, I found my past–self and present-self struggling to make sense of “me.” It made me ask questions like: “What advice would I have wanted when I was younger? What advice would an older me have wanted to give my younger self”? And a revealing question that neither the younger nor older of me could really answer, “What advice would I have listened to”? Where can they purchase a copy? - they also have Deepest Thanks, Deeper Apologies as well. It’s more about God than art. What do you see Stephen Shortridge doing next? We sold the building the Painter’s Chair was in. We may open another gallery in Coeur d’Alene but not until my wife’s health is better, although I am enjoying only the responsibility to create and not manage a business, especially at this time…I may never own a gallery again. I currently am doing private auctions on cruise lines and enjoying that a lot. Please share contact information and locations where people can see your works. We have the gallery website still up at, and Teresa, our long time gallery manager, is still on board with us. You can reach us at [email protected] or [email protected]. July | August 2017 15