Art Chowder July | August 2017, Issue 10 | Page 10
Hi Stephen, can you please tell us a little
about yourself, where you were born and
where you grew up?
I was born in Iowa in 1951. I was raised
in Southern California from age five. I
grew up surfing and playing sports. Water
Polo was my main sport and I was an All
American. While attending Idaho State
University in 1972, I took my first painting
class. I pursued an acting career in the ‘70s
and ‘80s and had the fortunate experience
of appearing on shows like Welcome Back
Kotter, The Love Boat, Aloha Paradise, and
others. I was also part of the original cast
in The Bold and the Beautiful. Between
the over 50 commercials and working with
the likes of Debbie Reynolds, Barbara
Stanwyck and other great people, I enjoyed
my acting career very much. However, I
found painting to be much more creatively
Can you share your first
“artistic experience”?
My third-grade teacher pointed out to my
parents that I was capable in the arts and
maybe they would like to encourage me.
Thank God my parents did, and I continued
throughout school spending more and more
time in the art departments.
“You have the power to use your
words and energies to encourage
others. Our words share an awe-
some creative power that creates
or destroys. Be that person who
creates, who speaks life into anoth-
er. Live so that someone else, years
later, remembers your kindness and
encouragement – even if they cannot
remember your name. ”
—A Finger-Painted Life