o you see, I too, was once basic and simple like the stock
in my first quarter at INCA. Through all the countless lessons
gained, and experiences shared, I have added ingredients and
procedures that I can take out into the world to create endless possibilities for the family and friends sitting around my
own kitchen table. I am walking out the door of INCA with a
newfound pride. Not just from wearing my graduation jacket
and being a card-carrying member of the American Culinary
Federation (ACF), but pride in my heart for I too, know “the
foundations of cooking” that began with a simple stock. And I
relied on so many of my school colleagues to contribute to my
Stay tuned for further student written articles in our quest to
bring you “The Journey of the Plate” as we take the readers
through our educational program, and complete the journey
with a beautifully crafted entrée served to the public in our
student-run Orlando’s Restaurant, located in Building 1 on the
Spokane Community College campus. For more information
on the Inland Northwest Culinary Academy, or to receive our
quarterly newsletter, please visit our website at http://www.scc.
spokane.edu/Hospitality/INCA/Home.aspx or call Program
Coordinator Janet Breedlove at 509-533-7283. We are “closed”
from mid-June through mid-September, but look forward to
seeing and feeding you our passion in the near future. For any
“off season” information requests, please do not hesitate to email
Julie Raftis-Litzenberger at [email protected].
Your inquiries, suggestions and comments are most welcome!
Mariah McLaughlin was born
and raised on a cattle and
wheat ranch in Montana. She
moved to Spokane five years
ago, where she enjoys being
a mother of three children:
Darien (20), Logan (15) and
Ethan (10) with her husband
James of 22 years. Mariah is 3
weeks away from completing
her two-year AAS degree in
Culinary Arts from the Inland
Northwest Culinary Academy
at SCC. In addition to her full
time kitchen management at
the Black Diamond restaurant in Spokane Valley, Mariah manages to volunteer for
nearly every extracurricular
community event opportunity through INCA, and is the
proud recipient of the Albert
Kowitz Sustainability Scholarship, Washington Restaurant
Association Spokane Chapter scholarship, Chef Biordi
continual scholarship and the
Quillisascut Education Foundation scholarship. Mariah
and her family enjoy playing
and competing in disc golf,
along with camping, fishing
and gardening.
July |August 2016 59