Art Chowder July | August 2016, Issue 4 | Page 16

Steven Lang What is your biggest fear when exhibiting your work? Que Sera, Sera (whatever will be, will be) is my mantra. By the time I have my work exhibited all my feelings of uncertainty and apprehension are gone. At that time my hope is that the public will appreciate the works that I display. I can only put forth my best effort and let it speak for itself. If you had not become an artist what other career pursuits would you have? I have been fortunate that I knew I was going to be an artist all my life and I have directed all of my energies towards that. The ability to create has always stirred my soul. I do have other interests like carpentry, cooking, auto mechanics and gardening. I can hold my own in any of those areas. “TARNATION!” 3 2 ” x 2 0 ” o il o n c a n vas In 1926 mail delivery was changed forever with the start of the transcontinental airmail service. East to west coast airmail took about 72 hours. Now that was fast. One can imagine what crossed the cowboy’s mind as he looked up and saw an aeroplane for the first time... times they are a’changin’. 16 ART CHOWDER MAGAZINE Is there anything I didn’t ask that you would like to share with our readers about yourself, your work or your process? It takes discipline, focus and a strong worth ethic to be good at anything one does. I have set my goals since I was a little boy and now I am fulfilling them. Being able to paint everyday makes me realize how blessed I am and how much I love what I do. I think for anyone to be able to enjoy his/her passion and make a living at it is a dream come true. Where can we see and find out more about your work? Fine Western Art