Is there anything interesting , unusual or notable about you or your career that you feel comfortable sharing with our readers ? I had a stroke 11 years ago as a result of working long hours and day after day in my pursuit of that artistic goal . I ’ ve stepped back a little and learned to appreciate my time with my family more . It made me a more efficient painter of sorts in that though I ’ m doing fewer paintings ( 40 per year instead of 60 ), I feel they are of greater skill , composition and imagery .
Is there anything you wish you ’ d done differently in your own career as an artist ? Do you have any advice for emerging talents ? I wish I had started earlier in my career as a Fine Western Artist . I would like to have gotten into this genre during the 80 ’ s and early 90 ’ s and I would love to have had those extra years of experience . As far as my advice goes , I think a western artist will know when they are ready . Have your drawing and painting skills down , know your history and develop a focus on what you want to paint .
Do you have an artist “ bucket list ” so to speak and what would you consider to be a dream project ? Simply speaking my artistic bucket list would be to establish myself with merit as a western artist . My goal is to be able to inspire future artists to depict the Western Frontier . My dream project would be to continue my career painting the Old West .
July | August 2016 13