Art Chowder January | February, Issue 19 | Page 79

ADVERTISER DIRECTORY 54 AFM 105 P rofessional M usicians www . afm 105. org 78 C arrie J o A nderson phone : 509-340-2221 / 206-419-5536 76 S andy A ronson www . artbysandyaronson . com 78 A rtisans A t T he D ahmen B arn www . artisanbarn . org 78 A venue W est G allery www . avenuewestgallery . org 59 B ing C rosby T heater F lamenco A ire 77 B lacwell G allery www . blackwellgallerycda . com 54 L add B jorneby www . beartrackart . com 54 G inny B rennan www . ginnybrennan . com 78 J essica L. B ryant www . jessicabryant . com 77 A lice C han www . alicechanartist . com 30 C oeur d ’ alene A rts and C ulture A lliance www . artsandculture . org 76 K aren C onrad 19 F irst F riday S pokane pwww . firstfridayspokane . org 61 F rame I t www . frameitcda . weebly . com 61 G arland S andwich S hoppe www . garlandsandwich . com 77 G onzales C reative 509-598-1722 76 C heryl H alverson www . mountainplacearts . com 17 J ordan S chnitzer M useum of A rt WSU museum . wsu . edu 59 H eidi K imur A rt www . heidikimurart . com 76 H offman M usic www . hoffmanmusic . com 59, 76, 77 M armot A rt S pace www . marmotartspace . com 28, 78 S teven A. S croggins artist @ stevenascroggins . com 61 M ina S omekawa msomekaw @ msn . com 30 S pokane A rt S upply www . spokaneartsupply . com 55 S pokane G allery phone : 509-747-0812 17 S pokane P otters ’ G uild www . spokanepottersguild . org 02 STCU www . stcu . org 29 T he A rt S pirit G allery of F ine A rt www . theartspiritgallery .. com 30 T he C lay C onnection 76 T suga N orthwest A rts www . tsugaarts . com 76 K eiko V on H olt keikossumie @ aol . com 78 U rban A rt C o - op www . urbanartcoop . com clayconnectionspokane @ gmail . com 37 G inger O akes facebook . com / goartstudio 76 R ed B rick A rt S tudio www . redbrickartstudio . com karenconradartist @ gmail . com 77 R iver R idge A ssociation of F ine A rt www . spokanerrafa . com 27 R ichard W arrington RW arrington . com 35 C ontois R eynolds A rt G lass S tudio www . stainedglassmagic . com 62 A rlon R osenoff www . arlonrosenoff . com 36 W elcome N ew N eighbor , O rg S uzette @W elcome N ew N eighbor . net 76 C helsea C ordova www . chelseacordova . com 78 K risten S accomanno ksaccomanno @ nyl . com 77 W e S peak M edicare www . wespeakmedicarespokane . com 76 D e V ries www . devriesmoving . com E merge www . emergecda . com S canned M edia scannedmedia . com 76 V icki W est 17 29 78 E ureka S ally G allery www . eurekasally . com 78 C arol S chmauder www . carolschmauder . com 37, 77 W illiam G rant G allery phone : 509-484-3535 westwatercolor @ gmail . com January | February 2019 79