Art Chowder January | February, Issue 19 | Page 57
didn’t believe a cafe with an
all-natural, organic, vegan menu
could have incredible tasting food,
that is, until I tried Method Juice
Café. It’s safe to say that I’m now a
believer and I visit Method weekly
for all my smoothie, veggie bowl,
and even my cookie dough cravings!
It was pretty much love at first taste
when I tried my first “Power Bowl”
made with pitaya, pineapple, banana
and coconut milk then topped with
granola, sliced banana, strawberries
and your choice of drizzle. My
personal favorite is peanut butter!
A message from the owners: “We
didn’t start out as organic health ad-
dicts. In fact, we were eating all sorts
of processed, artificial and less-than-
healthy foods just a few short years
ago. But something amazing hap-
pened when we tried a plant-based
diet that incorporated a daily juice:
we had more energy, we lost weight,
and we just generally felt fantastic.”
January | February 2019