Art Chowder January | February 2023 Issue 43 | Page 66

Historically artists spend many hours of blood , sweat , and tears developing their unique styles and techniques , and that can make a person protective of their work , methods , and inspiration in a very understandable way . It ’ s also a very isolating mindset that can make the art world feel combative and lonely . Every profession has some form of community , be it a union , a professional association , a mentorship or apprenticeship program , or simply water cooler conversation . To succeed in our work , we need people behind us and beside us — a community . The best professionals in any discipline can point to others who inspire , intrigue , and challenge them .
Each member of the guild carries with them a different skillset , a different philosophy , and a different goal . Holly Swanson , current guild president , emphasizes that , “ Jewelry is a form of adornment . It ’ s spiritual at times . It can be meaningful in many ways and having a handmade piece of jewelry knowing that this item is one-of-a-kind is just a special thing to wear .” She often uses art as an extension of her spirituality , exploring the sacred nature of creativity and beauty . Bunny says that her “ philosophy for making jewelry is that there are no rules , and nothing is off limits . I enjoy the process of creating simple pieces by reusing and recycling materials whenever possible .” Other members are more interested in the technical side of jewelry making , specializing in defined techniques , and pushing themselves to create exact , refined work with advanced skills in a certain area . Still others aim to challenge the “ norm ”— blurring lines between art and fashion — or cooking up eccentric pieces for the perfectly eccentric outfit .
Where the Spokane Jeweler ’ s Guild members find common ground is their desire to learn new things and challenge each other to produce their best work . Chris Howell recalls hitting the ground running as soon as she joined the group . “ About 20 years ago I took my first class at the art school . The very first year that I joined they made me vice president . The vice plans all the programs . That was challenging but it was just a wonderful learning opportunity to look at ways to keep programs going and to look for people who might present a program or to bring in outside people . Sometimes people