Art Chowder January | February 2023 Issue 43 | Page 40

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Winter on WeatherEye
WINERIES SOURCING FRUIT FROM WEATHEREYE Outlets grateful for Ryan Johnson ’ s new vision
WeatherEye | www . weathereyevineyard . com Liminal | www . liminalwine . com Devium | www . deviumwine . com Kobayashi | www . kobayashiwinery . com
Todd Alexander
style wines with Ryan ’ s grapes at Force Majeure and continues to define the style for the Northwest through Force Majeure and other winery projects ( his background includes PlumpJack , Cade , and Bryant Family in Napa .) From this mutual respect come WeatherEye ’ s own finished wines but they are fantastically small in production , destined for great meals making lasting memories .
Kevin White Winery | www . kevinwhitewinery . com Valdemar Estates | www . valdemarestates . com LATTA | www . lattawines . com Sleight of Hand | www . sofhcellars . com Betz Family | www . betzfamilywinery . com
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Scan the QR code or visit www . weathereyevineyard . com to find out more .