art that I had at the time . She said , ‘ Wow , you ’ re all over the place !’ and I replied , ‘ I ’ m just learning .’
“ It was then she confided that she didn ’ t know what she wanted to do until she was 60 ( at that time I was around 50 ), and it takes time to learn what you don ’ t want to do . That has been the case with me . Over the years I ’ ve studied many great artists and discovered my biggest heart for art is to be found in the human experience . At 72 , I still don ’ t feel as if I ’ ve delved into it enough yet , but if you look at my work , you ’ ll see the thumbprint of the human experience in there .”
Indeed . Before leaving California , Rod had a life-altering experience .
“ I ’ d been suffering a headache for a few days and my doctor recommended Hydrocodone . I ’ d never had one before , but I took the first pill and went out to dinner with my wife . Unfortunately , I had a bad reaction to the drug .
“ I was standing outside speaking to a street musician and passed out . I fell straight back , and my head bounced so hard against the sidewalk that the crack could be heard inside the restaurant . I woke up eight hours later in the E . R . with what we now know as a long-term concussion . I couldn ’ t walk very well for a year afterward , and I couldn ’ t talk to people . That was 11 years ago , and it has ended up being one of the best things that ever happened to me . Most people are hard on themselves , but because I still have trouble with loud sounds , bright light , and big emotions , I ’ m reminded every day to be kind to myself .
“ There ’ s a guy named Joe Dispenza who teaches that you need to stay out of your past and live in the present moment . But a lot of people carry their damage with them and live with a lot of bitterness . They have resentment and find it difficult to think anything positive about themselves or others .
“ When I first started learning to make art , it was a process because I was kind of angry . It was during that time I began to come to terms with the abuse I had endured over the years . Even now , I am
still dealing with things that occurred years ago . Now , however , I ’ m excited to realize that I ’ m in charge of the ship . That I can heal by letting go and I can be as positive as I want to be . I realize that what others did to me doesn ’ t define me .
“ I ’ m also learning to be a good listener . We are all so complicated as people , so I want to try to understand how someone else might be feeling because great art is tied to the human experience . To me , art is also this incredible gift that allows me to fill the world I create with color .”
When I asked Rod what his favorite thing about being an artist was , he replied , “ I give myself permission to paint anything I want to . I ’ m not stuck in one genre , and I can go in and out of different styles as I choose . I always paint alone with my favorite music playing , and a glass of good wine . I set the mood I want when I paint . I ’ ve also done some of my best work while my family cooks and laughs in the kitchen — inspiration for sure !”
What then , is his least favorite thing about being an artist ?
“ I can heal by letting go and I can be as positive as I want to be .”