So , we asked ourselves , what do farmers do ? Answer — they raise our food . So , we made a show where the restaurants and chefs are the stars , the real draw . Once we ’ re entertaining the viewer , we say hey , let ’ s go visit the farm your food came from !”
This approach was a stroke of genius . In the last decade or so , more people have been wanting to know where their food comes from , and together Tanner and Rowe built “ Washington Grown ” around answering that question .
Over the last eight seasons they have taken their viewers to all sorts of venues . In one episode they took a tour inside Tim ’ s Cascade Chips where Washington-grown potatoes are made into potato chips . In following episodes , we were shown how frozen corn is made , as well as French fries . They ’ ve shared with us how Cyrus O ’ Leary ’ s pies are made and where all the components come from .
“ That ’ s one side of it ,” Dave said . “ There ’ s also a news / interview segment . This season we spoke to a lobbyist who demystified what an agriculture lobbyist does . We sprinkle that type of information in but always bring it back to the food . We have a food truck segment , a gardening segment , and so much more . Each show has eight segments in a half hour . It ’ s fast moving and that ’ s where our creativity comes into play , telling these stories and making them entertaining .”
“ I would add that part of the ‘ secret sauce ‘ is our show ’ s hosts . Kristi Gorenson , Val Thomas-Matson , and Tomas Guzman make it fun ,” Kara enthused . “ You know , Dave and I can plan out the best possible show with the best possible partners , but it only happens — it only takes it to that next level — when you have good hosts and Christy , Thomas , and Val just knock it out of the park for us every time . The show wouldn ’ t be what it is today without them . They are dynamite !”