Amusingly , this and indeed the second edition of “ Spokane Fifty ,” do not actually contain exactly fifty subjects , and Marshall laughingly told me he could have perhaps called them “ Spokane One Hundred or more !”
Since his debut volume was very large and fairly expensive at around 50 dollars to purchase , Marshall , noting that nominations were still arriving , set about compiling a second edition . This time , to make the book more affordable and accessible , he chose to publish this edition with black and white photographs and in a smaller lightweight soft cover format .
And the “ book ” doesn ’ t stop there by any means ! This is very much an ongoing series of projects because Spokane itself is constantly progressing and moving forward along with its people bringing new ideas and ideals to our city . “ I ’ m going to continue creating new volumes of ‘ Spokane Fifty ’, and one day I ’ ll make sure I definitely hit that so far elusive target number ,” he assured me with a smile .
When Marshall noticed that an exciting new city development called Kendall Yards was being constructed adjacent to the Spokane River on the northwest side of downtown , he hoped a part of this complex could be dedicated to visual arts in all mediums . It might become a showplace and hub for local and regional artists to display and share their work , and also provide an inviting space to encourage all members of our community to visit and enjoy all the wonders on display and experience a whole new world of color and expression . Marshall fortunately achieved his goal two years ago by securing a suite at Kendall Yards and formed his Marmot Art Space . This delightfully intimate open plan “ white cube ” or “ white box ” style gallery proudly displays a constantly changing array of works of art , and Marshall ’ s signature monthly event focuses on his First Friday exhibitions . These are held , as the name suggests , every first Friday of each month from 5pm to 8pm . Each of these exhibitions is completely new and contrasting , offering wide varieties of artworks whose topics and artists are alternated and refreshed at every First Friday event .
This interview took place at Marshall ’ s Marmot Art Space , and in doing so I was very fortunate to view an entire wall of his gallery filled with large-scale photographs on display , extracted from his “ Spokane Fifty ” book — which incidentally is available from Marshall personally at Marmot Art Space . I ’ m sure he would be delighted to sign your very own copy .
In closing , as I always like to do with every contributor , I invited Marshall to offer his thoughts along with his hopes and aspirations as he moves forward .
“ I think it ’ s really important to recognize the Spokane renaissance that ’ s happening with its arts and culture and their value . Spokane is becoming an enchanted city and we should celebrate this and feel good about it by encouraging and continuing to support our city , and one another .”
You can find out more about “ Spokane Fifty ” and contact Marshall online at his website at www . spokanefifty . com The book is also available for purchase at Auntie ’ s Book Store in downtown Spokane . You can also take a virtual tour of Marmot Art Space online at www . marmotartspace . com
January | February 2017 19