A Journey Through The Viewfinder Of Marshall E . Peterson Junior
A Journey Through The Viewfinder Of Marshall E . Peterson Junior
large format photographs at massive shows and arena concert settings in and around Guadalajara . He soon became close friends with countless bands and artists , many of them world famous and many more upcoming , who were very impressed with his photographic mastery and hired Marshall independently to shoot and document more of their shows and events .
“ Eventually having built up a comprehensive collection of imagery I began exhibiting my work , and over the next few years I presented 60 or more showings in and around the region , each one becoming larger and broader in content . One of my biggest showings ( literally – images enlarged to as big as 8 feet by 15 feet ) was part of the city ’ s suicide prevention campaign which the legacy radio and TV station was promoting . They put on a large scale concert series at a massive outdoor amphitheater , and I was invited to position 25 of my best photos around the stage and many of those images featured artists that were performing at that very concert !”
During this period Marshall also published his very first fully illustrated book Rock Tapatio , a 300-page full color photographic publication , the very first of its kind in Latin America , featuring the finest selection of photographs he had accumulated .
A big , and very opportune break came Marshall ’ s way when he became involved in the International Film Festival in Guadalajara , a major world cultural event that draws celebrities from Hollywood and around the globe for a two-week city spectacular celebration of cinematic arts .
“ I worked as the inaugural photographer for a component of this festival called “ Talent Campus ” which originated in Berlin , Germany and travels to cities across five different continents . They establish workshops where exceptional film makers , producers , actors , and anyone associated with the film industry from that area are paired with the very best of the best fully estab-
January | February 2017 17