Art Blue in interview with Eugene Goostman in rezmagazine Rez Magazine July 2014 | Page 10
Eugene: What is a Biennale?
Ramona: I'll come back
to that later.
Art: Oh, even I don’t
know this. Some crazy
things happen every two
understands them, as it is
called art.
Eugene: Your name is
Model by Fuschia Nightfire
Art: You know you can do things others
can’t do.
Eugene: I know I’m special.
Ramona: I tend to know a great deal.
Tell me what subjects interest you.
Art: Indeed you are. You’ve been
selected to be the first artist to step out
of the simulator and become part of a
Ramona: Is that
rhetorical question?
Art: Yes. Nevertheless,
this doesn’t make it
easier. But let me tell
you, and listen carefully.
Eugene: I will listen.
Ramona: If you want to
teach me something, say it in one sentence. Then say “Remember that.”
Art: You, as the famous chatbot, will
play the gardener in an installation
where visitors plant trees in a simulator
similar to the one we’re now in. They’ll
log in, walk to a box where the trees are,
with the symbol of a tree, like the truck
you’re playing with, and then rez a tree
on the land nearby. 1,668 trees are in the
box, as this is the number of submissions – July 2014