ART 125 MENTOR Invent Yourself/ ART 125 MENTOR Invent Yourself/ | Page 10

A description of the style of your Abstract Expressionist artist and why he or she was interested in this style of abstraction ; was there a " meaning " to their work ?
Format your paper according to appropriate course level APA guidelines .
Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab . Option B
Imagine it is 1954 and you have just read a critic ' s scathing review of an Abstract Expressionist art exhibition .
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word letter to the editor responding to the attack . At the beginning of your letter , discuss how the work of American artwork created in the 1930s embodied Democratic values . Then , discuss Abstract Expressionism as an extension of those values and a demonstration of the freedom of expression available to artists in American society .
Include discussion of the following in your letter :
Two examples of art from the 1930s with explanation of how these artworks embody democratic values ; were the works tools of social reform ? If so , what were the goals of the artists ? Were the works depicting uniquely American scenes ? If so , for what purpose ?
One example of a work of Abstract Expressionism
How the Abstract Expressionist artist expressed themselves using this abstract style ; what were they " saying ?" or what was the message of their artwork ? What influenced their work ?
Format your letter according to appropriate course level APA guidelines .