ART 101 OUTLET Invent Yourself/ ART 101 OUTLET Invent Yourself/ | Page 7

Summarize your description of Las Meninas in 150 to 200 words using APA format .
Complete the Elements of Color and Light exercises in the Discovering Art 2.0 CDROM :
Open the CD-ROM . Click on Interactive Exercises . Click on Elements of Color and Light .
Complete all exercises and reviews in Functions of Light , Properties of Color , Expressive Qualities , and Optical Effects . Then , complete the Self-Test .
Click on Log after you complete the Self-Test . Then , save the Elements of Color and Light Self-Test as a . txt file on your computer .
Look at Nighthawks by Edward Hopper on your CD-ROM and describe the formal qualities of this work in terms of its color and light . Do the formal qualities workingtogether create a particular effect ? If so , what is it and how is this accomplished ?
Summarize your description of Nighthawks in 150 to 200 words using APA format .
Organize your summaries of Las Meninas and Nighthawks into one Microsoft ® Word