ART 101 OUTLET Great Stories Here/ ART 101 OUTLET Great Stories Here/ | Page 7
light. Do the formal qualities workingtogether create a particular
effect? If so, what is it and how is this accomplished?
Summarize your description of Nighthawks in 150 to 200 words
using APA format.
Organize your summaries of Las Meninas and Nighthawks into one
Microsoft® Word document.
Submit your summaries and two self-tests as attachments.
ART 101 Week 3 Check Point Analytical and Expressive
Check Point: Analytical and Expressive Line
Write a 200- to 300-word summary that answers the following:
Summarize the difference between analytical and expressive lines,
providing examples of each. Do you agree or disagree with the
connection of analytical line with masculinity and expressive line
with feminine qualities? Explain why or why not.
ART 101 Week 4 Check Point Design Movements