ART 101 OUTLET Great Stories Here/ ART 101 OUTLET Great Stories Here/ | Page 5
Review the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation Web site at
3 Post your response to the following: How does the Calder
sculpture compare or not compare to public art you have in your
city? How do you think art in public spaces contributes or does not
contribute to building community and a sense of culture?
Review Ch. 4 in A World of Art. Post your response to the following:
Considering the examples on pp. 67-70 in Ch. 4 of your text, what
sort of performance art can you imagine executing in a public
space? What would be the purpose and content of your piece?
ART 101 Week 3 Assignment Formal Analysis of Art
Assignment: Formal Analysis of Art
Review: Ch. 5–7.
Complete the Organizing Space exercises in the Discovering Art 2.0
Open the CD-ROM.
Click on Interactive Exercises.
Click on Organizing Space.