ART 101 OUTLET Great Stories Here/ ART 101 OUTLET Great Stories Here/ | Page 16
decided on an interactive timeline focused on one art medium. It is
your job to choose one art form such as painting or sculpture for the
timeline. You must also have a common theme for the artwork you
select. If you were to choose sculpture, your theme might be 20th-
Century Sculpture.
Whatever you focus on, make sure you do not make the timeline too
long. Ten works should suffice. After selecting the 10 works of art,
write a short paragraph to accompany each one. You have
approximately 9 weeks for this project before you turn over your
selected artworks and content to the design team.
Review Appendix A for a detailed overview of this assignment.
Select one art media on which to focus. Examples might include
painting, architecture, performance art, or film. Whereas these are
broad areas, you must select a single medium and then make your
timeline focused on that single medium.
Research the Internet, or Grove Art Online in the Axia Online
library, and find 10examples of your chosen media that are
thematically connected. Examples of thematically linked art media
linear perspective in European paintings.
black and white film noir.
Greek figural sculpture.