ART 101 OUTLET Future Starts Here/ ART 101 OUTLET Future Starts Here/ | Page 13
Resource: Ch. 14 & 18 of A World of Art, Appendix B, and Appendix
Complete the Appendix D matrix with examples of each type of
sculpture listed. Fill in the title of the artwork, the artist, year created,
and medium. In the last column, determine whether the work is
additive, subtractive, or neither. You may use Internet resources, your
CD-ROM gallery, or your text for examples of sculpture.
ART 101 Week 8 DQ 1 and DQ 2
Discussion Questions
Discuss the representation of the human body by the Egyptians and
the Greeks. What are the similarities and differences between the two?
What does the sculptural representation of the human form say about
each culture
Using Internet resources, find one example of installation art.
Describe the artwork you have found in the Main forum, including the
title, artist, year created, and where it was installed. Discuss the
meaning of the work and how it relates to what the artist has created.
Provide your personal reaction to your chosen work and comment on
each other’s examples of installation art.
ART 101 Week 9 Capstone CheckPoint