ART 100 Week 2 Individual Assignment The Visual Arts ( 2 Papers , New )
Explain what was unique about the artistic choices made by da Vinci and Michelangelo that has led to their continuing popularity .
Describe what you believe to be the ideas or values present in each work . In other words , what philosophies and interests of the artists led to each creating this work and creating it in the manner in which they did ?
Submit your assignment in one of the following formats :
· A 350- to 700-word paper
· A 4- to 7-minute podcast or video Option C
Research Roman aqueducts , such as the Pont du Gard near Nîmes , France included in your text .
Compare Roman aqueducts to your city ' s own water management system . What are the similarities and differences ? Include a description of the structural elements of Roman aqueducts in your comparison .
Describe what you believe Roman aqueducts say about ancient Roman society in terms of what they valued and how they worked .
Submit your assignment in one of the following formats :
· A 350- to 700-word paper
· A 4- to 7-minute podcast or video ===================================================
ART 100 Week 2 Individual Assignment The Visual Arts ( 2 Papers , New )