All LogFAS functionalities are
reliant on accurate, basic data
within the LOGBASE to run all the
other associated functionalities. It
is an extremely fast and versatile
way to interrogate the data (much
faster that using Microsoft Excel) to
satisfy requests for information and
equipment availability. The basic
data comes from, and is authorised
by, the G/J5 planning in TOPFAS
and force generation processes, so
that the force composition is correct.
Only then can the logisticians
use the other functionalities to
deploy, sustain and recover the
force.Functionality for Movement
Planning, Execution and RSOM
The standardisation of Movement and
Transportation (M&T) data formats
and their timely exchange is key to
the success of complex movement
operations, especially to facilitate the
coordination between various deploying
forces when transportation resources
are limited and must be shared or are
restricted in their use. When tools other
than LogFAS are used for national
purposes, countries should ensure
that their system and data are either
compatible or easily transferable into
LogFAS. The software assists M&T
planners in developing deployment plans
and testing their feasibility, providing
estimates on deployment timelines and
potential movement bottlenecks, as well
as lift resources requirements.
Allied Deployment and
Movement System (ADAMS)
The ADAMS function focusses on the
strategic movement planning process
and the production of national and
NATO DDPs or DRPs in order to
be amalgamated into multinational
MNDDPs/MNDRPs that represent all of
the planned NATO-led force movements
in a single view.
Effective Visible Execution
The EVE function monitors the progress
of a specific deployment, as well as to
coordinate and display daily movement
missions (Figure 5). The EVE function
allows users to fine-tune arrivals and
departures, and to manage transportation
node capacities as well as provide both
a strategic overview and a detailed
forecast of arrivals in theatre by air and
surface assets. It is capable of managing
aircraft slots and convoy credits, and
can be used to manage cargo and
passenger manifest information. The
EVE function’s main product is the Flow
Execution Plan (FEP), which captures
on-going movement missions along
with all other relevant timings, such as
itineraries, load details and status (e.g.
planned, departed, cancelled, etc). The
FEP is more or less the materialisation
of the DDP, with the details of each
movement mission being confirmed after
adequate operational coordination has
occurred. The FEP should be updated
as often as possible, ideally any time a
change occurs to any detail related to a
specific mission. The EVE data can be
displayed onto the NATO Joint Common
Operational Picture (JCOP) via web
Figure 5 – EVE showing the status of individual multimodal missions in a NATO deployment.
Coalition Reception, Staging
and Onward Movement
The CORSOM function was developed
as the primary RSOM automated tool
for NATO. It enables detailed planning
for RSOM to be performed and provides
visualisation and oversight of theatre
movements during both deployment
execution and sustainment operations.
CORSOM offers an excellent analysis
capability by allowing the consideration
of alternative routes and the assessment
of the implications and results of such
alternatives. The CORSOM function
was designed to provide improved
visualisation functionality, allowing the
user to obtain a clear picture of the
geography, transportation infrastructure,
facilities, allowing drawing overlays on
actual maps and pictures, and interface
with Microsoft tools such as PowerPoint.
It is also capable of tracking convoys and
trains interfacing with tracking systems
or through remote connections to its
It is important to note that all three
systems used by M&T planners and
operators share the same data and are
made to interact with each other, allowing
a seamless transition from one phase of
a movement operation to another, as well
as their concurrent use. While LogFAS
M&T tools offer many functionalities and
represent most valuable capabilities,
there is a recognised need to provide
the necessary awareness and guidance
to foster their efficient use and maximise
their potential for the benefit of all
authorised users and, ultimately, NATO.
It is important to understand, however,
that the existing LogFAS M&T tools
are at different stages of evolution and
stability, which strongly influence the
level to which defined processes are
established, understood and accepted.