ARRC Journal 2019 | Page 21

READY FOR TODAY – EVOLVING FOR TOMORROW A comparison of the above methods/models provides a hint as to the most efficient and effective way of conducting CoG analysis. NATO’s model is the winner by far because it concentrates more positive and less negative points than other methods. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES NATO Analysis ModelPlanning Concepts (COPD) 6 Analytical method linking the Critical Factors through a logical sequence It requires holistic-comprehensive and detailed understanding of the adversaries (System of Systems Analysis –SOSA) Provide tangibles CoG Provides useful planning concepts such objectives, Decisive Conditions (DCs), effects, actions, restraints etc. 23 Warden’s Five Rings Identifies the central role of leadership (degrade or dislocation of the external rings has impact on leadership) It does not identify strengths and weaknesses of the adversary (CCs, CVs) Oversimplification – It draws the planners to targeting without paying attention to conditions and effects Lack of analysis process for the rings – It requires detailed analysis of the rings to identify their components but missing the relationship- interaction between them; and analysis method It refers mainly to the strategic level, not operational It refers basically to state-actors, not insurgent groups, terrorist organisations etc. Barlow’s NEV Model Provides more detailed analysis than the ring model but not so much as the NATO model As per Five-Ring Model It accounts the relationship-interaction between elements and external actors CARVER It focusses on vulnerable essential elements of adversary (vulnerable CR) and their CV Partial CoG analysis tool (link between CC, CR and CVs) without paid attention to interdependence-relations with external actors (system) It is not used in determining the CoG It constitutes a useful tool only if it is used in conjunction with other methods in identifying the most lucrative elements for targeting It requires detailed understanding of the adversaries Synthesis Model It provides a detailed analysis contributing to a better targeting of CVs It needs time and personnel It is more complicated than NATO Godzilla Method It is simple and provides an effective way of identifying the CoG in precise. It requires intelligence efforts in better understanding of the adversary It has an inherent validity test (…if the answer is ‘No’, then the removed strength is the CoG) It does not link CoG, CRs and CVs. It focusses only on the identification of the CoG without any other planning outputs (objectives, DC, effects or actions) 23 Decisive Condition (DC) is ‘a combination of circumstances, effects, or a specific key event, critical factor, or function that when achieved allows commanders to gain a marked advantage over an opponent or contribute materially to achieving an operational objective’. Effect is defined as ‘a change in the state of a system (or system element), that results from one or more actions, or other causes’. COPD, Ibid, p. L-2. ALLIED RAPID REACTION CORPS 21