ARRC Journal 2018 | Page 3

CONTENTS Page 1. The Evolving Global Security Situation and its Impact on the European Theatre, NATO and HQ ARRC Maj Alex Michael GBR-A 4 2. Multinationality: Harnessing its Strengths and Minimising its Weaknesses Maj Gen Roberto D’Alessandro ITA-A 6 3. Development of the NATO Response Force Maj Alex Michael GBR-A 8 4. Near Real-World Planning – Turning Wales and Warsaw Summits into Reality Col Richard Clements GBR-A 10 5. The Increasing Importance of a STRATCOM Mindset Wg Cdr Peter Clarke GBR-AF 12 6. Gender Advising at HQ Allied Rapid Reaction Corps – A Success Story? Capt Nina Schommers DEU-A 15 7. Enabling Crisis Response: Lessons from NOBLE JUMP 17 Capt Mark Matthews GBR-A 8. Ex ARRCADE LIGHTNING 17 – A New Model for Professional Study? Brig Paul Tennant GBR-A 9. Developing Leadership Through Adventure Training - Exercise SELVA BACKSTOP 2017 Maj Dave Latimer GBR-A 18 20 22 10. Operations Planning - Using the NATO Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive (COPD) at the tactical level: A comparison between the UK planning process and the COPD Lt Col Ole Stephan DEU-A 24 11. Survive to Command and Innovation Lt Col Martin Bever GBR-A 30 12. Lessons in Corps Warfighting from the Battle of the Bulge – Exercise ARRCADE BUGLE 2 2017 Lt Col Scott Morrison CAN-A 13. Enabling the Commander’s Freedom of Manoeuvre (or not!) Lt Col Brian Tritten GBR-A, Maj Daniel Lyons GBR-A and Maj George McCrea GBR-A 33 Page 14. Delivering Corps Deep Fires in a High Tempo Multinational Environment Lt Col Tim Iddon GBR-A 38 15. Air C2 Challenges in Corps Warfighting Gp Capt Chris Mullen GBR-AF 42 16. Federated Mission Networking Lt Col Martin Bever GBR-A 44 17. Know your Audience: The value of analysing sentiment during NATO Operations Lt Col Martin Browning GBR-A and Maj Chris Bell GBR-A 47 18. Inland Waterways – Expanding the Capacity of Military Movement Maj Phil Lawrence GBR-A 50 19. The Utility of Risk Management to Underpin HQ ARRC’s Planning, Readiness and Operations Lt Cdr Charlotte Yemm GBR-N 52 20. Maritime Security in the Baltics Cdr John Payne GBR-N 54 21. Unlocking Non-Commissioned Officers’ Talent in a Peacetime, Multinational Environment SSgt Amy O’Hara GBR-A 56 22. Bias – How Can It Affect Intelligence Support to Decision-Making? Maj Jim Buchan GBR-A 58 23. Risk to the Mission, Risk to the Force – Why Does Countering Corruption Matter? Mr Peter Appleby GBR-C and Col Alex van Nieuwburg NLD-A 60 24. Positioning Air Defence for Re-Introduction of M-SHORAD Maj Trey Guy USA-A 62 25. Developing Capability for Deception Operations LTC Rachelle Hathaway USA-A and SFC Laurens Maliepaard USA-A 64 26. The Lost Art of Battle Damage Assessment WO1 Andrew Herrity GBR-A, SSgt Marco Orru ITA-A, Sgt John Vivani GBR-A and Bdr James Cheetham GBR-A 68 36 ALLIED RAPID REACTION CORPS 3