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Just imagine Angkor Wat construction in the first half of 12th century, this place had been the kings state temple and capital city, were approximately Half a million of Khmer Empire were supposed to live and those temples that were dedicated to Vishnu his god, the unlimited beauty that these temples must represent so that king should live there. Think about the details that they most have, the mystical inscriptions that gave them character and the religious art displayed there are unbelievable, something amazing is that there is not only one temple, there are five important ones and they have distinctive characteristics and function.
But the most important thing that you need to consider getting to know this amazing place is that you need more that one day to get the tour. we have mentioned that it is really extended, and it don’t have only one temple, so if you want to enjoy the visit you should stay more than 3 days, also I will have recommended to take with you mosquito repellent, sunscreen, hat and bottles of water, this place is very warm so you need to be prepare. You should buy the tickets in the main entrance, got a save conveyance and stay in a place near the city so you can get on time to enjoy all day.