ESTATE REGENERATION which everyone needs to hold before beginning any work on-site . Organising this training , and booking potential apprentices on to it , is one of the ways Catalyst is helping local people into work .
Below : The other four apprentices working on Havelock
Eddie Colemack
WHAT THE APPRENTICES SAID “ It is going very well and I am picking up the trade very quickly ,” said Rohan Modgill , 20 , of his first few months working at as bricklayer at St Bernard ’ s Gate , which is just next to Ealing Hospital . His direct employer Higgins , and Catalyst , have helped him to buy his own work tools and he will soon start a course at Lambeth College one day a week to add to the skills being learnt on-site . But what is best about bricklaying ? “ I enjoy face work the most because it ’ s the outside of the building , the bit you see , and it has to be really good . No mistakes .”
“ I am enjoying the opportunity to being doing something and this is a start into getting into painting and decorating ,” said fellow apprentice Eddie Colemack , 49 , who is currently providing labouring support to several contractors on Havelock .
Meanwhile , carpentry apprentice Suk Sohal , 20 , said it has given him the motivation to get up in the morning and go to work : “ I can see what work I have done and it makes me feel good .” And Nathan Tighe , 21 , simply said :
“ I like the environment . Everybody is
Nathan Tighe
Rohan Modgill
nice and easy to get along with .” He is working on Havelock as a dry-liner , which involves building internal walls and installing partitions .
‘ ABOUT MORE THAN BETTER HOMES ’ Councillor Jasbir Anand , cabinet member for housing , said : “ This type of partnership between the council and Catalyst is about more than just building better homes . It is about working with the community to provide somewhere people want to live , and creating career opportunities . It is great to see the apprentices doing well – and the other local people who are working at Havelock .”
Suk Sohal
■ Find out more about apprenticeships and other opportunities through by calling the Catalyst Gateway team on 0300 456 2099
■ Find out more about the Havelock project at www . chg . org . uk or view the housing regeneration pages at www . ealing . gov . uk
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